1982 born in Mexico City.
Studied at the Academie der Bildende Künste Stuttgart,
by Prof. Holger Bunk.
Lives and works in Stuttgart, Germany and Mexico City.
2019 Frau A.S, trifft Volker Böhringer, Villa Merkel
Esslingen a. N., Germany
2018 Creacion en Movimiento, Museo Cuatro Caminos, Mexico City
2017 ts happening (solo), Bahnwärterhaus, Villa Merkel,
Esslingen, Germany
2016 Creacion en movimiento, Capilla del arte UDLAP,
Puebla, Mexico
one punch crunch (solo) Palermo Gallery,
Stuttgart, Germany
2015 Under Construction, Bahnwärterhaus, Villa Merkel
Esslingen, Germany
2014 SSIIEE FOUR, Berlin, Germany
Jovenes Creadores, Biblioteca de Mexico. Mexico City.
2013 Zigzag, AbK Stuttgart, Germany
2012 One painting, five artist, Akademie Schloss Solitude,
Stuttgart, Germany
Creación en moviemiento, Jesús Gallardo
Gallery, León, Mexico
Tercer Salón Contemporáneo, La trampa
Gráfica Contemporánea, Mexico City
Stuttgart, Germany
Creación en moviemiento, Jesús Gallardo
Gallery, León, Mexico
Tercer Salón Contemporáneo, La trampa
Gráfica Contemporánea, Mexico City
2011 The loopy refrían of the tittle song (solo), Arbeitstitel,
Stuttgart. Germany
Stuttgart. Germany
Show me yours, i´ll show you
Stuttgart, Germany
Stuttgart, Germany
Kunst im Kessel, Horwarts and
Stuttgart. Germany
Stuttgart. Germany
Jetzt Jetzt, Kunstverein- staedtische Galerie,
Reutlingen, Germany.
2010 In aller Munde. Süßwaren in der Kunst,
Museum Villa Rot.Burgrieden-Rot, Germany. Reutlingen, Germany.
2010 In aller Munde. Süßwaren in der Kunst,
Image in Dialog, Korean Cultural Center Gallery,
Tokio, Japan and Hangeon art center, Seúl, Corea
Kubik, Staedtische Galerie Reutlingen, , Germany
Dazwischen, Wasserschloss, Bad Rappenau, Germany
2009 Painting, the midland of expression, KEPCO,
Hangeon art center, Seúl, Corea and Central Academy
of fine art,Art museum, Beijing, China
Thumbnails, GEZ, Stuttgart Gallery, Germany
Überlagerungen, Per-se Gallery, Hannover, Germany
2006 Hidden jewel, Württembergischer Kunstverein,
Stuttgart, Germany
Probezeit, Staedtische Galerie Reutlingen, Germany
2011-12 The National Fund for Culture and Arts FONCA Grant, Mexico.
2015-16 The National Fund for Culture and Arts FONCA Grant, Mexico.